What is and isn’t Covered by a Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance can cover various expenses so you don’t pass on financial burdens to your family when you die. Such expenses include the funeral cost, paying off debts such as a mortgage or student loan, or even covering grocery bills. However, it’s important to remember that not all forms of death are covered. The circumstances under which you pass on can greatly affect whether your policy will pay out funds as expected.

Which Causes of Death Aren’t Covered?

Life insurance policies don’t cover suicide during the first two years. Some policies won’t cover it at all. Life insurance also doesn’t provide compensation if your beneficiary murders you. Furthermore, the insurer can withhold the payout if you don’t provide up-to-date, accurate health information. For example, suppose you don’t tell the insurance company that you’re genetically predisposed to a particular disease, and you later die of this disease. In that case, your beneficiary may not receive the payout.

Certain high-risk activities may also be excluded from your life insurance policy. These include extreme sports such as skydiving, scuba diving, and bungee jumping. Death during international travel is covered. Even so, people who travel to dangerous areas regularly will want to inform the insurance company of this ahead of time to prevent potential problems.

Life Insurance Help from Nest Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX

Nest Insurance Agency has an office in Amarillo, TX, and we offer a range of life insurance policies to meet the needs of individuals of all ages and walks of life. Call us to learn more about your options or to get a quote on one or more specific policies.