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Texas umbrella insurance coverage

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Umbrella Insurance in Texas

Umbrella insurance gets its name from its function, shielding your assets and your future from potential storms. It works above and beyond your other coverage, adding extra liability insurance that protects you from lawsuits and major claims that exceed the limits of your home, auto, boat, or other policies. Nest Insurance Agency in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX want the residents of Texas to feel secure with their insurance coverage and suggests that those with larger assets seriously consider an umbrella policy.

What Umbrella Insurance Covers

Umbrella insurance is designed to kick in when coverage provided by your other policies is exhausted or doesn't apply. For example:

  • Bodily Injury – It covers the cost of medical bills or liability claims that result from a serious auto accident, injuries sustained by a visitor to your home, injuries caused to others by your dog, and similar scenarios. Medical bills can mount quickly and exceed your policy limits. With no umbrella policy, your assets are at risk.
  • Property Damage – Umbrella coverage protects you against liability for damage to vehicles and property, such as from an auto accident that’s your fault or accidental damage caused to someone else’s property by your child or your dog. If it’s not covered by another policy or exceeds those limits, you’re on the hook unless you have umbrella coverage.
  • Lawsuits – An umbrella policy provides coverage if you’re sued for libel, slander, and certain other personal liability situations.
  • Landlord Liability – Helps protect against liabilities you may face as a landlord.

How it works

If you happen to cause a serious auto accident and multiple parties and their vehicles are impacted, it’s not difficult to exceed policy limits. For example, if your Texas auto policy covers $300,000 in bodily injury but the total is $500,000, that leaves $200,000 you’d be on the hook for without an umbrella policy. What if a victim sues you for a million dollars for loss of ability to work? Knowing you’re covered in potential scenarios like these can bring substantial peace of mind.

Contact Us

If you want to know more about umbrella insurance policies and how they can protect your assets and your future, please call us today. Nest Insurance Agency has offices in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX, and is looking forward to hearing from you. Contact our agents to learn how to start a policy and get assistance with your choices.

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  • Texas