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Nest Insurance Agency

7705 SW 34th,
Amarillo, TX 79121

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3805 146th,
Lubbock, TX 79423

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Texas renters insurance coverage

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Renters Insurance in Texas

When you find a rental space to call home, you begin the process of moving in your belongings. You can fill the space with antique furniture, electronics, and expensive artwork. After you have situated yourself, you should look into renters insurance. It covers you and your belongings against unexpected damage, theft, or vandalism of your possessions.

What is Renters Insurance?

Renters Insurance is a package that offers to cover you and the items you bring into a rental space, whether it is an apartment, condominium, or a house, against unexpected damage to your property.

At Nest Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, we offer renters insurance that will give you financial protection should the unavoidable happen to you and your property.

Why you should take out renters insurance

  • We protect your personal belongings such as your clothes, furniture, and electronics against fire, vandalism, and other incidents that in the event you need to replace them, we have you covered.
  • We protect you against lawsuits or claims that occur when a guest gets injured while visiting. We may also cater for medical bills that might amount from such an incident.
  • We cover extra living expenses that might occur should you be required to vacate your home for routine repairs. We may cover the food cost, laundry, or any additional charges that could have been avoided.

Why you need Renters Insurance?

  • It gives you peace of mind knowing you and your property are safe against theft, vandalism, and damage.
  • It gives you financial protection against sudden, unexpected and unplanned for expenses.
  • It protects you legally against personal liability should an injury or accident occur to your guests.

Renters Insurance is a safe and easy way to cover you and your belongings; we at Nest Insurance Agency in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX are ready to walk you through the steps into acquiring a protective package that will give you peace of mind. Our Texas agents are available at our offices in Amarillo and Lubbock, TX. Call us for more information and to receive quotes for your insurance needs.

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  • Texas