How Umbrella Insurance Gives You Extra Protection

You may think you have all the coverage you need when you have a house and car. However, basic coverage doesn’t give you as much protection as it could. Liability coverage is essential to both policies, but they often don’t have much of it. One way to get more of this protection is to get an umbrella insurance policy. This gives you more coverage just where you need it. Call us at Nest Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to get started with a policy.

More Liability Coverage

Without enough liability coverage, you could be liable if a serious accident causes many expensive injuries. This is common, and your home or auto insurance may not have enough protection to keep up with the bills. However, the price tag can be pretty hefty if you directly add more liability coverage to your home and auto policies. However, umbrella coverage costs relatively little and comes with a huge maximum payout that can cover just about any injury. 

How This Extra Protection Works

When you have had an accident in your car that has been judged to be your fault or a third party has been injured in your home, your home or auto policy will respond. They will assess the situation and can pay for the medical bills that are due. However, the coverage may hit its maximum and leave extra bills to pay. That’s where your umbrella policy can come in. It can pay the bills left behind after the first policy takes effect. This can be a major financial helper that can keep you from major financial problems after an accident occurs. 

Get Umbrella Insurance

Call us at Nest Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX to get this vital insurance.